
Land in Hand

Making Music Out of Life's Simple Joys



Josie’s Birth Story & 10 Things

IMG_4971We have two kids now. There are two car seats in the back of my car.

There are two sets of mouths to feed, although one can technically feed himself. Two little bodies to hug and hold and cherish and we feel like our cup is running over. Why did we only get a cup to contain all this goodness? Someone bring us a wheel barrel please.

Continue reading “Josie’s Birth Story & 10 Things”

Wine and Lays

I lead a busy life.

I’m not proud of that, but it has taught me things.

When I want to do something, it usually happens after work. Sometimes after dinner. Watching the Winter Olympics was a consistent highlight of our nights for a couple weeks. It was/is easy to sit on the couch and let the night fade away. But, the other night I wanted something different. So, while my sweet love made a delicious meal, the boys went for a run. Continue reading “Wine and Lays”

In 2018, I am not apologizing

IN 2018, the beautiful boys in this picture are my number one! Sorry, I’m not sorry! 😉

Thank you Lauren Morgan for capturing their joy!! Continue reading “In 2018, I am not apologizing”

Letting Things Go

Curse you Frozen for never allowing me to say any conjugation of “let” and “go” without wanting to belt Elsa’s song at the top of my lungs. I even envision my soul spiraling in frozen fractals all around… Continue reading “Letting Things Go”

I Got a Feelin’…

Touch is powerful. When Joel and I held hands for the first time, it was electric. I don’t mean to sound dramatic here, but Joel had only hugged me or lightly put his arm around me for at least the first couple months of our relationship. So on a chilly night in early spring, fire crackling in front of us, Joel slipped his fingers through mine. Finger. By. Finger. The butterflies came up out of my tummy and into my throat. I’ve never seen Joel act in impulse. This wasn’t just hormonal or emotional, it was intentional. There was purpose behind it. He didn’t just have an urge to touch me and do it. He was saying I was important. Worth his time. He was saying he saw a future with me and was ready for whatever was next on our great adventure. He wasn’t acting on an in the moment “feeling…” Continue reading “I Got a Feelin’…”

10 Mom Hacks & Pictures from the Lake

Joel’s parents were in town for a long weekend and we LOVED IT. They are so wonderful to have around. We went to a local park and spent some time on the lake. Joel captured some cute shots so I thought I’d share those because pictures are fun! We are so fortunate to have access to beautiful places. I love where we live!  Continue reading “10 Mom Hacks & Pictures from the Lake”

Mommy Do Nots

I wrote a blog on “Mommy Do’s” some blogs ago about some things that have been working well for us as parents. Accessories and gear that we’ve enjoyed and general philosophies that we’ve implemented and found to be successful.

Writing that blog put me in a reflective mindset. I couldn’t help but recall moments and things that we’ve observed and ways we’ve behaved that were…not so helpful. Continue reading “Mommy Do Nots”

My Baby is Not a Picture

I recently saw an ad for the new GoPro camera. I’ll link the advertisement to the bottom of the page. It was a really good commercial. One of the lines was “Don’t stop what you’re doing to capture what you’re doing.” This new camera will take a picture or video on command. So you don’t have to click any buttons or be behind the camera for it to work. So many times we want to capture a moment, but we miss the moment in the process because we’re be behind glass and plastic. Continue reading “My Baby is Not a Picture”

Backstage for the First Time

I have been a performer my whole life. At three years old I could smell a camera like a dog smells bacon. I was always “on”. Even in my room, by myself. I would  pretend like I was the star of a TV show. As I grew older, I found myself getting parts in plays and musicals. Solos at church. Making the audition choirs. A lot of times it was probably because I was the only child that didn’t have stage fright. In fact, I had back stage fright. From the age of three to the age of twenty-three, I have been on stage. Continue reading “Backstage for the First Time”

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